And we go back to talking about the PD and the center. Saturday begins the national holiday of PD, held in Turin on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.
E 'was the lack of controversy at the invitation of the National Day of Roberto Cota PD, precisely in Turin in Piazza Castello, in the offices of Regional President (pro tempore?). A sport that has spread recently in Italy is against friendly fire of PD, in my opinion criticized over its real faults.
Cota on the deal the Democratic Party has been questioned for reasons opposite from "The Done" and Republic . In the editorial "Invitation to dinner with the wreck," wrote Marco Travaglio:
E 'was the lack of controversy at the invitation of the National Day of Roberto Cota PD, precisely in Turin in Piazza Castello, in the offices of Regional President (pro tempore?). A sport that has spread recently in Italy is against friendly fire of PD, in my opinion criticized over its real faults.
Cota on the deal the Democratic Party has been questioned for reasons opposite from "The Done" and Republic . In the editorial "Invitation to dinner with the wreck," wrote Marco Travaglio:
not know if it was his [Bersani] the thought of inviting to the party's national Democratic Party in Turin ministers Tremonti , Maroni, Calderoli and of course the famous Schifani. The fact is that the first three, after accepted, have solidarity with the governor for reversing League Cota, which the Democratic Party would win the election with various tricks and deceptions, then its presence at the festival seemed excessive even to the Pd Pd. But not to the mayor Sergio Chiamparino. Reduce disasters combined with the founding of St. Paul (alliance with the League and Tremonti to name at the top of the League and a friend of Tremonti) and a group of Somali refugees, this promising young Democratic Party - and has just 62 years ago politics only 40 - has run mad for the exclusion of Cota. And, rather than congratulate and pray for the narrow escape from the sky that withdraws even Schifani, you are very sorry for No. of Maroni, Calderoli and Tremonti, also because Maroni had to present his book published by Einaudi (ie B) "
The next day on Ettore Boffo Republic (Final Torino) criticizes the opposite party to Reference of the newspaper:
Or, worse yet, someone would come to mind (as in Rome, Turin) to exclude from the program of the event President of the Piedmont Region Roberto Cota, former leader of the Northern League in the House and among the most prominent national leaders of his party, causidica with the argument that the same Cota is "sub judice" (as president of Piedmont) because of the process in administrative proceedings which is considering the legality of some lists that had lined his candidacy during the regional elections last spring. This is actually a decision silly and senseless foolish choice [...]
Republic is, in fact, a newspaper close to the center-left PD. The fact is, a newspaper close to the center or quantomento IDV area (as well as Grillini and tired of politics), critic against the political class, but especially against Berlusconi and center-right. So two tests so far away or to each other nor the Democratic Party. Opposite reasons for attacking the PD gives a good example of how the Democratic Party, weakened by infighting and identity remains unclear to move in a hostile environment that includes the media Berlusconi.