Last spring was kind of a justified concern Garden City in the event of realization of a building near the twin houses . Concern is fueled by ' article in "The Stam pa" April 23 (page of "Quarters"). After a study of the issue with the President of the District, Andrea Stara, who had verbally assured me they had requested, but do not publish in detail the then "leaks", and now "La Stampa" has largely made public .
The building will be done, but with a very different impact than feared (urban load separately). In summary, the houses will be lower than expected (three floors and five), with fewer apartments, and located on the west side of the "South Lot" Area (south of the church "Most Holy Name of Mary"), rather than in the north. So, as written in the article, the buildings will not be behind the two-family which would have shade, but will be close to the condominiums and houses of average height.
The sum of the two plots of land area is classified as ATS (Area of \u200b\u200bTransforming Services): the owner can build only if the City sells a significant proportion of the area, 80%. of two lots, one church is north of Holy Name of Mary, the other is south of the adjacent parish, and within the enclosure includes an industrial building and a large green area (eye I would say in a better condition that the lot "north", despite what is written in the article) .
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