afternoon in Piazza San Carlo I saw tens of thousands women, men, seniors, adults, youth, children. Without flags of the party (as pointed out by even the TG1). For the dignity of women, against the image that is inculcated by the media for years and that many recent events have "exalted".
When the squares are filled in order to defend a value or to protest peacefully, it is always a feast day.
E 'was like a party, another great page of participation and democracy. Thanks to the women who asked me to participate, thanks to all those who were there.
I would not want to talk "about those guys, but some statements are too irritating. I will not names. One minister (a woman) has lost yet another opportunity to keep quiet, saying that "Women who fall in place today are only a few radical chic show for political purposes and to exploit women." Probably said before the event, for bias (perhaps the school where it is "minister" has not taught the scientific method). Maybe, by accident, in the afternoon took a look at the center of every Italian city and has had to change his mind. Or, as years ago chose a site 1,300 km away from home to become a lawyer, will be chosen with painstaking care the center of a city where the event was not there, or where there were only "a few" radical chic ". Maybe a city abroad.
The leader of the House "shortly PDL Italy" (the gentleman that rhymes with fry) instead stated that "It is not the place to bring down governments." And to think that in North Africa just what is going on. And to say that the prime minister has just finished saying that the chief judge is the people, who should now override the judiciary. Perhaps the parent wanted to reiterate that his boss has the "flaccid" glued to the chair. Or creative people in the law that they took from the people the power to choose who to govern themselves, for example with the porcellum which compile the list of elected parties, and downplaying any demonstration of unfavorable, now in exchange for giving him gratify the judiciary, the judiciary removed ... And the judiciary
what harm? Ballot?
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