The winter is almost upon us doors and there's nothing better than a good risotto to warm up these cold and gloomy.
fresh pumpkin 350 gr (pulp)
Rice 4 fists abundant
Onion white 1 / 2
Taleggio 40 gr
taste for the garlic butter and creaming
vegetable broth (preferably authentic onion, celery and carrot)
Ham 4 slices
dry white wine 1 / 2 full glass
Salt and pepper to taste
Preparation: Clean
the pumpkin and make it into small pieces (I got a bag of pumpkin already cleaned and sliced in bank vegetables packaged fresh from the supermarket). In a pan fry the chopped onion in butter until it becomes transparent without frying or burning (if necessary, pour a small ladle of broth). Add the pumpkin and let it simmer basting occasionally with a ladle of broth until completely discards are reduced to a soft puree, season with salt and pepper. At this stage the procedure is that of a normal rice: add rice and toast it for 2 / 3 minutes on high heat, sprinkle with white wine and let evaporate. Gradually add broth as the preparation seems too dry. A couple of minutes from the end of cooking add the Taleggio clean peel and cut into small pieces, stir to distribute evenly and finish cooking the rice (usually 15/18 minutes depending on the quality of rice you choose) .
cooked, turn off the heat, add a generous piece of butter and a sprinkling of parmesan (optional), cover with lid and let stir for 2 / 3 minutes. Meanwhile heat a pan and spread the slices of ham raw. turn them over so as to make them crispy on both sides. Chop coarsely by hand in order to get the kind of chips.
After giving a final stir, Serve the risotto and garnish with the chips of ham.
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