Once a proposal carbonara a pack of hungry women certainly can not back out just because you noticed that you're missing the bacon! Born
dutante last "dinner conceptual" home of the door, this fanciful carbonara is published to unanimous acclaim of all present and girls who have been lucky enough to eat. The cook, even the cooks, did not want to give too many details about the official recipe from the first mouthful, but I recognized the two main ingredients: the courage and imagination!
So we have to thank Anton and Anna said Bong refreshed for five hungry girls with the dough but more ignorant than I've ever tasted funny after midnight!
Ingredients (for 5 "chickens")
Spaghetti 500g wholemeal
Eggs 4
Parmigiano to taste (we like a little there!)
Laughter as I could
Salt to taste Pepper
proceed as normal for a carbonara without panicking when opening the refrigerator is not the package of bacon that was looking for .. breathe a deep breath, close your eyes and concentrate on the thought that infuses the dried beef is always a sausage ... assess all the positive aspects (such that it is much lighter than bacon and is recommended in any diet), not to lose sight of even for a second, count to ten and finally with a little 'courage to open the package, reducing the dried beef in rags on a cutting board and let it cook for few minutes in a pan is already hot.
At times they are not alone in front of an ingredient wrong is important, and our cooks A & B (Bong & Anto) it can be said.
Thanks to their courage, the pasta was a hit, so much so that even today he continues to speak on various social networks and the girls that night, which unfortunately were not able to join us can not wait for that 'event will happen again. What was my idea is that like the first time will never be so ... maybe not. :)
I love A & B.
The chef recommends this dish just after midnight and after having ingested a large quantity of wine.
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