Monday, May 24, 2010

How Long Will Cervix Stay High During Ovulation

This is the end

Last night was broadcast in America the last episode of Lost. I am anxious to see it, suspended halfway between the great curiosity to see how it ends (and many mysteries will be revealed) and a bit 'of melancholy "prior" to the "after", ie when there are no more new episodes of Lost. Will still be able to review all the episodes in the light of the discoveries made as to the conclusion.

Unlike other aficionados, I found the poor sixth series, nor bad bet "Across the Sea", which is finally revealed in part the history of the island. Last week there were other revelations, there was something in advance of the epilogue, while leaving the high expectation. Trying to avoid spoilers for those left behind, I try to jot down the list the "desired" we hope to discover more about the nature of the island, Jacob and Man in Black / Esau / Smoke thing (Sawyer dixit), on the source, the "wheel" of the island and travel in space and over time, the two timelines ('World we will put a patch?), influences on the relationship between the Egyptian and Roman-Christian (and Oriental?), numbers and actions of Jacob on candidates.

waiting to see "The End", the Lostpedia page on "Man in Black" provides interesting elements and theories ...


Monday, May 17, 2010

A Good Anonymous Browswer

Clipboard scattered ...

It 's been almost a month. In the meantime I have been following the issue of building in Via Guido Reni 96. I prefer not to unbutton too, but the situation is quite reassuring.
In the District, George Bott, PRC historical candidate for IDV in the region, announced the move to popular left (Rizzo).
Juve closed one of its most disappointing seasons in recent history. But Cuneo has finally won the championship of volleyball. Inter sail to the set. In a little more three weeks, the South African world.
And quietly, without fanfare, we passed the ten thousand contacts ...
