Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Watched Unsecured Cctv

Piedmont "unfair and hostile? Cleared funds for the Fairtrade

After the ax fell on Health, the Piedmont Region has zero contributions to the Fair Trade, already decimated last year. Interpret it as a further injustice, which is to strike a reality very dear to me because it is one of the few that works to improve the conditions of the Global South, developing a healthy economy, as an alternative to a policy the "aid" that has often been in bankruptcy, and it is still far-sighted: s and a man is hungry do not give him a fish, but teach him to fish.

probably perceive the League & C 'fair (if they perceive it) as one of the left, not significant, utopian, too little "local" and too "pro Negher. You do not even realize that people who want to send home with the fair are "home help", as fans pretended to be desired.

perceive it as an activity whose deletion allows you to recover some €. If it had not dropped the ax even health, can remember who you guzzle a few cuts and then put the sweetener in the coffee ...
Echoing the comments of people working in the field, emphasize an element that makes it even more obvious flaw of this "cut" means regional funds were intended primarily to support awareness raising, information, education (see article 5 of Regional Law 26/2009, approved by a majority Bresso ). The business may also stand on his legs, but it is important to communicate to citizens how the economic system and what alternatives exist: this is a political choice, this lets you go beyond the exercise of style ". Among other things, public funding to commercial and business activities" normal "and profit and there are far more important than the contributions provided for fair trade.

The group of the Regional Council of the Democratic Party has submitted a Agenda and has signed a motion to ask to the Board to restore the funds to ensure full operational implementation Law 26/2009.
cuts have dealt in recent days " The Voice of the People", "La Stampa ", " Altreconomia " , " Life", engaging with operators sector.
then indicate the release of the Piedmont Organizations Coordination of Fair Trade.


After severe cuts announced in July, zeroing total funds actually makes vain regional law approved in October 2009 and never implemented. Turin, January 14, 2011 - While the Italian regions increased commitment towards ensuring fair trade, Piedmont and decided to make a further step back, eliminating the funding provided by Law No. 26 of October 28, 2009 - "Provisions for the promotion and the spread of fair trade. " The law, which until now was waiting to become operational, had been the victim of the cuts last summer of the new council, which had declared its intention to reduce the allocation from 350,000 to under € 30,000, making it impossible to implement most of the measures. In the autumn, has been appointed as the Consulting and since then awaiting the release of the notice to initiate awareness-raising initiatives with the budget. Today's news also puts an end to this expectation: the departments tell us that the funds allocated for 2010 are no longer available and that the budget of 2011 is not provided for any expenditure to be a cover of The initiatives on trade Fair solidarity. Is this the end of a long process since 2006 has involved a thirty reality non-profit organizations gathered specifically in the coordination of Piedmont Fair Trade, whose design was picked by consensus at a significant part of the group board, bringing in 2007 a bill was signed by advisers from different political parties, taking shape as a proposal widely shared and bipartisan. "It is disappointing - says Alberto Anfossi, president of the cooperative new world which, together with the cooperative Juan Saavedra Luke and jewels of the coop. Liberomondo, spokesman for the Coordination of Organizations of Piedmont Fair Trade - That the work of years, made in a participatory manner and shared at multiple levels, both in political and administrative levels, is now offset by an act of arrogance of the current Government, which since its establishment has responded negatively to our requests to meet. In this way, stave off the fledgling law, the result of an important shared work, without even listening to our voice, nor want to know who we are and what we do for years in the Piedmont area, which is also one of the most significant in view of fair and Italian solidarity. "In Piedmont, there are more than 60" World Shops, the retail fair trade products managed in a non-profit organizations, which constitute Information and meeting places, points of reference for activities to raise awareness about responsible drinking. Cooperatives and associations that manage them collect more than 5,000 people associated with about 700 volunteers and employ 150 people. Even the General Assembly of the Italian Trade Fair (AGICES - expresses regret in the face of this news: "It makes little sense - the President AGICES Alessandro Franceschini - a region that many a law that never comes funded and therefore lose any effectiveness at the operational level. We hope that in future the trade fair in Piedmont, as in other regions, is covered fully in the support strategy international cooperation and enhancement of sustainable consumption. Precisely in times of economic crisis, it still makes more sense to invest in initiatives that come from below, by a great movement of citizens, consumers and volunteers who work every day to improve the rules of the international economy from its purchases from all days ". AGICES years working for fair trade organizations are recognized by the institutions as a reality that through trade, the growth of consumer awareness, education, information and political action, are committed to social and economic justice, the sustainable development, respect for people and the environment. There are currently nine regions in which they were approved "fair trade laws" after the first results in Liguria, Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Toscana, Abruzzo, between late 2009 and early 2010 have added to the Ontario (LR No. 26 of 28.10.2009), Emilia Romagna (LR n. 26 of 29.12.2009) and Veneto (Regional Law No. 6 of 01.22.2010). Piedmont is now an exception to other regions with a fair-trade legislation, which has already made its own operating laws, ensuring fair trade support organizations in the area. ORGANIZATION OF THE COORDINATION OF FAIR TRADE PIEDMONT Coordination has established in 2006 by bringing together 32 nonprofit organizations involved in fair trade. These organizations currently operate more than 60 World Shops and supply of fair trade goods, hundreds of retail outlets (shops, clubs, bars, supermarkets). Members of these cooperatives and associations are more than 5,000 people and growing, of which about 700 are active volunteers. Must be added the many visitors and "customers" of workshops and participants of information evenings, lectures, performances, teaching and training activities undertaken by these organizations to introduce the themes of solidarity. The trade fair is also one of the few that these days, creating job opportunities and jobs, which increased from year to year. There are currently 150 people working in the Piedmont of fair trade organizations, of which 70% is taken indefinitely. FOR INFORMATION: CONTACT GROUP OF COORDINATION: - Alberto Anfossi, alberto.anfossi @ - \u200b\u200b349 2959688 - Juan Saavedra, - 347 6841610 - Luca jewels -348 0945561 PRESS OFFICE: Silvia Bergamo Tel 011 4371916 Cel. 347 5360961 - silvia.bergamo @



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